_Frequently Asked Questions.
What are the hours for the church office?
New Hope and Open Arms share an office. However, the Open Arms staff is in the office from 6:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. and would be happy to leave a message for the church staff.
What is your worship like?
New Hope uses what’s called a “blended” worship style. We include traditional elements of worship like Scripture Readings, Creeds, and Holy Communion. We also include some contemporary music and singing, other media, and a friendly relaxed approach to worship. JOY is an integral part of our weekly gatherings. This is not because our lives don’t have pain and difficulties, they do. However, while facing the realities of life’s brokenness, we still find opportunity to rejoice in Jesus, each other, and our blessings.
What can I expect when I worship at New Hope?
NEW HOPE! Since God's love for us in Jesus is central to all our activities it is our prayer that all who participate will find New Hope for living their lives, and New Hope for eternal life. We talk often about how life can drain our hope and so when we come to worship and other activities God is present to RE-New our Hope for the week to come. Why? Because everyone needs, New Hope!
“Those who HOPE in the Lord will RENEW their STRENGTH. They will soar on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not be faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)
How should I dress for worship?
Jeans and suits are equally welcome. There is great variety in what people choose to wear to worship.
Who is welcome to worship and/or participate in New Hope’s activities?
The answer is everyone. We pray the answer might be, “YOU”.
May I schedule a tour?
Yes! Just give the office a call, 804-639-6248, to set up a time that is convenient for you.
What is a Lutheran?
Lutherans are Christians who trust in Jesus as their Savior and who believe that the Bible, God’s Word is the only source and authority concerning God and is true in its entirety. Martin Luther was a church reformer in the 1500’s. Luther never intended to start a new denomination (group of affiliated congregations) but simply wanted the existing church to return to the Bible. He was thrown out of the Roman Catholic Church. Those who believed the Biblical teachings of Luther began to be called Lutherans. As Lutherans we believe that what the Bible teaches is summarized in the three historical Christian creeds (Apostles’, Nicene, Athanasian), and in the Lutheran Confessions. The Confessions are theological summaries of what the Bible teaches on many topics.
What is the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS)?
The LCMS is a Lutheran denomination that began in the mid-1800’s in Missouri. It was founded by immigrants, in the St. Louis area, who were seeking freedom from religious persecution in Germany. The dozen or so original congregations have grown to almost 2 and a half million members, in over 6000 congregations in 90 countries and is in fellowship with 33 other Lutheran church bodies worldwide. The LCMS is the second largest Lutheran denomination in the United States.
Who is Jesus?
Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Savior of the World. He took on human flesh when He came the first Christmas so that He could become one with us. (Therefore He is both true God and true man) As our Substitute He suffered and died to pay the penalty for our sins (ALL of them). As the perfect Son of God his death was valuable enough to pay for the sins of all mankind. He rose victorious from the grave to show that He has the power over sin and death and, therefore, can offer us eternal life.
What about giving?
Giving back to God a portion of His many blessings to us is a joy and privilege for those journeying through life in faith in Jesus. This includes our time and talents as well as our finances. If you are not a member please feel no obligation to support the ministry at New Hope, although you are welcome to do so.
What are the hours for the church office?
New Hope and Open Arms share an office. However, the Open Arms staff is in the office from 6:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. and would be happy to leave a message for the church staff.
What is your worship like?
New Hope uses what’s called a “blended” worship style. We include traditional elements of worship like Scripture Readings, Creeds, and Holy Communion. We also include some contemporary music and singing, other media, and a friendly relaxed approach to worship. JOY is an integral part of our weekly gatherings. This is not because our lives don’t have pain and difficulties, they do. However, while facing the realities of life’s brokenness, we still find opportunity to rejoice in Jesus, each other, and our blessings.
What can I expect when I worship at New Hope?
NEW HOPE! Since God's love for us in Jesus is central to all our activities it is our prayer that all who participate will find New Hope for living their lives, and New Hope for eternal life. We talk often about how life can drain our hope and so when we come to worship and other activities God is present to RE-New our Hope for the week to come. Why? Because everyone needs, New Hope!
“Those who HOPE in the Lord will RENEW their STRENGTH. They will soar on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not be faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)
How should I dress for worship?
Jeans and suits are equally welcome. There is great variety in what people choose to wear to worship.
Who is welcome to worship and/or participate in New Hope’s activities?
The answer is everyone. We pray the answer might be, “YOU”.
May I schedule a tour?
Yes! Just give the office a call, 804-639-6248, to set up a time that is convenient for you.
What is a Lutheran?
Lutherans are Christians who trust in Jesus as their Savior and who believe that the Bible, God’s Word is the only source and authority concerning God and is true in its entirety. Martin Luther was a church reformer in the 1500’s. Luther never intended to start a new denomination (group of affiliated congregations) but simply wanted the existing church to return to the Bible. He was thrown out of the Roman Catholic Church. Those who believed the Biblical teachings of Luther began to be called Lutherans. As Lutherans we believe that what the Bible teaches is summarized in the three historical Christian creeds (Apostles’, Nicene, Athanasian), and in the Lutheran Confessions. The Confessions are theological summaries of what the Bible teaches on many topics.
What is the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS)?
The LCMS is a Lutheran denomination that began in the mid-1800’s in Missouri. It was founded by immigrants, in the St. Louis area, who were seeking freedom from religious persecution in Germany. The dozen or so original congregations have grown to almost 2 and a half million members, in over 6000 congregations in 90 countries and is in fellowship with 33 other Lutheran church bodies worldwide. The LCMS is the second largest Lutheran denomination in the United States.
Who is Jesus?
Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Savior of the World. He took on human flesh when He came the first Christmas so that He could become one with us. (Therefore He is both true God and true man) As our Substitute He suffered and died to pay the penalty for our sins (ALL of them). As the perfect Son of God his death was valuable enough to pay for the sins of all mankind. He rose victorious from the grave to show that He has the power over sin and death and, therefore, can offer us eternal life.
What about giving?
Giving back to God a portion of His many blessings to us is a joy and privilege for those journeying through life in faith in Jesus. This includes our time and talents as well as our finances. If you are not a member please feel no obligation to support the ministry at New Hope, although you are welcome to do so.
Loving Fellowship • Meaningful, Joyful Worship • Intentional Outreach • Family Focus • Christ-Centered