Pastor Gary is a lifelong Lutheran and he grew up in a small town in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan known as Menominee. He grew up in a home with three older sisters: Sharon, Lori, and Patty. He had a very special relationship with his mother Oradell and his father Robert was a paper plant manager in his hometown. He graduated High School in 1986. It was after a year of college @ Northern Michigan University that Pastor Gary enlisted in the United States Air Force. He served in numerous capacities throughout his twenty-five-year career. Most notably as a flying Crew Chief for the 201st AS where he flew numerous dignitaries to include the Vice-President, First-Lady, and numerous Congressman and Senators. He finished his illustrious career as the units First Sergeant. He retired from active duty on July 31st, 2012.
Pastor Gary is a HUGE Michigan Wolverines fan and is a Season ticket holder and shareholder for the Green Bay Packers. He also is a fan of the Milwaukee Brewers, Milwaukee Bucks and Detroit Red Wings. Pastor Gary has also been a life-long drummer and has had the privilege to play with many talented musicians over the course of his life.
After retirement, Pastor Gary briefly dipped his foot in the realm of franchise ownership with the Chic-Fil-A cooperation. After this initial thought, God humbled Pastor Gary and crippled him. You see, He was urged to go into ministry throughout his entire life, and walked a path that was parallel to God’s but not on His path. It was then that God gave Pastor Gary a crippling case of gout that forced him to reside on the couch 24/7 for close to three months. He could barely move, let alone work. Once the short-term disability ran out, then not much longer the long-term dried up as well. A decision needed to be made. Pastor Gary & Tracie were deep in prayer for God to show them His will. After much prayer they decided that the best thing for the family would be for Pastor Gary to pursue a ministry full-time. Within 36 hours of that decision, Pastor Gary was completely healed and miraculously was ready to pursue this ministry goal.
Now, the educational piece had to come together. Due to many courses taken over his Air Force career, he needed to focus those credits on a degree. Thankfully, he used his GI Bill which allowed him to focus on his studies full-time. This started at The College of Southern Maryland. There he attained an Associate’s Degree in General Studies and graduated in January of 2017. During this time, he was granted a licensure as Licensed Lay Deacon. At the time, he was one of two selected in the SED for this licensure to be able to do Word & Sacrament ministry. It was then in October of 2016 that he began serving the congregation @ St. Paul’s in Mechanicsville, Md. He enrolled in The American University where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religious Studies in May of 2018. In January of 2019, Pastor Gary was brought into the rolls of LCMS Specific Ministry Pastors via Colloquy and was ordained on January 27th of 2019. Pastor Gary has served the body of Christ at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Mechanicsville, Md which is a part of the Southeastern District from October 2016 to 3 March 2024. In December of 2023, Pastor Gary graduated Liberty University with a Masters of Arts in Pastoral Counseling. In January of 2024, New Hope Lutheran Church issued a call to Pastor Gary for him to serve as their next Pastor. On February 9th, 2024 Pastor Gary accepted and signed the call documents and started serving on 4 March 2024.
He has served as the Pastoral Coordinator for the Sunday services at the Charlotte Hall Veterans Home in Charlotte Hall, Maryland for close to 10 years until Covid dissolved that ministry opportunity. He has served in a variety of other positions to include serving on the Pastoral Board of Directors for the Catherine Foundation located in Waldorf, Maryland. He has worked several years with Community Love in Action which is a group that supplies holiday meals to people who just need some help or company during the holidays. Pastor Gary has also served as the Pastoral Advisor for the Capitol District of Lutheran Hour Ministries. He has also served the Chesapeake District LWML as the Junior Pastoral Counselor and Senior Pastoral Counselor. Pastor Gary has a great deal of passion and is ready to take on the responsibility of facilitating a Re-Newed Hope congregation.
Pastor Gary is married to his best friend Tracie (10 years) and they have 5 Children together: Jacob (Erin) located in Summerville, South Carolina; Jordan (Holly) located in Green Bay, Wisconsin; Erika located in Manitowoc, Wisconsin; Jordan located in Waldorf, Maryland; and Jillian (Larenzo) located in Colonial Beach, Virginia. They have 5 grandchildren; Keira, Alice, Charlotte, Enzo and Matteo and currently have one more on the way. Tracie and Pastor Gary have moved into their new home in Lake Margaret of the Highlands. Both Gary & Tracie are looking forward to the future they will build with the congregants at New Hope Lutheran Church. To God be all glory, honor, and praise!